Assignment for Data Analytics Program by RevoU - SQL Implementation with Google BigQuery
Week 4 and week 5 were full with a huge amount of knowledge, from basic to advance applications of SQL using Google BigQuery.
There are several assignments to be done, the assignment itself has 2 cases with several questions/ tasks to be solved:
1. Dataset of trip data of a bike-share system (BigQuery Public Data)
2. Dataset of user/ author and their activities in a news website
Some of the intermediate and advanced assignment objectives are Basic SQL, Formatting and Cleaning in SQL, SQL Joins, CTE & Windows Function.
So here is the detail of my assignment submission.
I think that's all a wrap-up for my RevoU journey in weeks 4 and 5. Next week I will learn about Python which will help me more in-depth in data analytics.
So, stay tuned to see more about it.
Thank you!