Assignment for Data Analytics Program by RevoU - Data Visualization with Tableau
After going through the previous technical data analysis module using Spreadsheet, SQL, and Python, finally down to more fun and the most important stuff of being Data Analyst, yup that is Data Visualization!
In week 2 and week 3 I was taught to create visualization using Tableau Public as a tool.
I created visualization of Olist E-commerce Public Order Dataset.
Some of the assignment objectives are:
1. Exploratory Data Analysis
2. Tableau Basic
3. Tableau Data Preparation
4. Tableau Calculation
5. Tableau Interactive Dashboard
So here is the detail of my assignment submission. (Tableau Public Dashboard Link)
I think that's all a wrap-up for my RevoU journey.
I will always learn and un-learn more about data analytics to enhance and boost my skill.
Thank you!